Resources for Job Seekers & Employers
4 Tips to Help You Prioritize Your Mental Health With a Heavy Work Load
Feeling overworked? Has a heavy workload put your mental health in jeopardy? Looking for the hacks that will let you handle your assigned tasks while still finding peace of mind? You're not alone. One study found that more than eight in 10 workers (83%) report...
Land Your First Job Out Of College! 4 Ways to Stand Out From Orlando and Tampa Applicants
About four million people graduate college each year. That's a lot of competition as you seek out your first job. Of course, not all of them will gravitate to the Orlando or Tampa area, but you still need to standout out from other applicants as you look to launch...
How to Bring Up Being Overwhelmed to Leadership
It's not unusual to feel overwhelmed, especially as you balance a thriving career with a busy home life. In fact, almost three out of every four people (74%) report feeling overwhelmed at one point or another. Even though this represents a widespread issue, many...
Work-Life Balance Tips for Remote and Hybrid Positions
Remote work is here to stay. One study conducted during the pandemic found that about seven out of 10 workers (71%) wanted a hybrid work schedule even after COVID had completely passed. The work-at-home option (at least some of the time) has become the preferred...
How to Prepare for The Top Interview Questions of 2022
Life is finally getting back to something approaching normal following two years spent under the shadow of the pandemic. Travel. Live shows. Dinners out. One more thing to add to the list: job interviews and difficult interview questions. Okay, that last one isn’t as...
Offered the job? Here’s how to properly respond to a job offer by email
Offered The Job? Here’s How to Properly Respond to a Job Offer By Email Time to celebrate! Your long road of applications, resume submissions, and interviews have finally led to a job offer by email. However, your role as a candidate isn’t over yet. You still have one...
The Pros & Cons of a Contract Accounting or Finance Position
The pandemic and its aftermath have emphasized flexibility in the job market. More workers have turned to contract positions to drive their professional development. Does this strategy make sense to build your accounting or finance career? Even before COVID shook up...
Freshen Up Your Resume This Spring with These 8 Tips
Your resume acts as your first introduction to any job opportunity. As such, it can make or break your chances of landing your dream position. Given its importance, do you think it’s time to give your resume a spring cleaning? Even if you're happy in your current job,...
First Impressions Matter! Why Your Interactions With Everyone at Your Job Interview Matters
When you’re trying to land a new position, how you treat people at a job interview matters. And not just the individuals running the meeting. The first impression you form with every interaction plays a factor in the eventual hiring decision. How you carry yourself...
Red Flags That Your Current Job is Toxic for You
Like with any relationship, sometimes it’s hard to spot a toxic workplace in the moment. You're too close to the situation. That's why having benchmarks to look out for can help you escape a noxious and harmful career sinkhole. So much depends on your workplace....
How Often Are You Updating Your LinkedIn Profile? 3 Easy Updates to Make Monthly
Like every other ambitious professional, you have a LinkedIn account. It's the basic online tool for building your career. But are you taking the time to cultivate your profile and maximize its value? When companies have an open position, they usually turn to...
4 tips to decline an interview without burning bridges
4 Tips to Decline an Interview Without Burning Bridges Searching for a job can sometimes put you in awkward social situations. For example, sometimes you receive an invitation to an interview but aren’t really interested in pursuing the opportunity. In this case, you...