Resources for Job Seekers & Employers
5 Tips for a Great Virtual Interview
Use these tips to prepare for an online job interview using Skype, Zoom or another virtual interview platform.
Strategies for Working with an Orlando Staffing Agency
If you’re searching for employment in Orlando, you may have heard about Hiregy, our top-rated staffing agency. Are you wondering about the types of jobs we offer, how we can assist you, or what you need to join us?
8 Tips for Onboarding New Employees
Does your company have a thoughtful, systematic strategy for bringing new hires “on board?” A strong onboarding process can boost your team's satisfaction and productivity. It’s also been shown to increase the return that companies get on staff training investments....
New Year’s Resolution: Invest in Your Team
Chances are, your business has made a significant effort to hire, train and maintain a skilled workforce. After all, your team members are your most important asset. Are you getting the most out of your investment? January is an excellent time to put plans in place to...
Make Your Interview Process More Effective
Most business owners know that developing an effective internal interview process can help them find great job candidates; they may be less aware that strong recruiting practices can save time and money. Defined processes for vetting candidates help companies minimize...
5 Signs You’ve Got a Great Employee in the Making
Every employer has “the list” when it comes to hiring new employees—those skills and personality traits that they strive to find in prospective candidates. Unfortunately, the tight labor market may require a new way of thinking. While some job seekers may not check...
Get Noticed by Your Dream Employer
We all have that company – the one we’d do just about anything to work for. It’s the company we daydream about, whether because of opportunities for advancement, benefits, high salaries, or travel perks. So why not make that dream a reality? Use these tips to get noticed by your top-pick employer.
5 Ways Job Seekers Can Set Themselves Apart
5 Ways Job Seekers Can Set Themselves ApartJob hunting can be like a competitive sport. Sometimes, it’s not just your talent that matters but your extra effort. While every serious candidate comes prepared with a resume, you may need to put in more work to market...
Does Your Job Still Fit?
Your closet probably has a few old clothes in it that don’t fit well or that you don’t like. But you’re still holding on to them, and you may not know what to do with them. Could the same thing be true about your job? Many people outgrow their positions,...
2018 Employment Review
As 2019 gets underway, it’s a good time to recap some of the things that influenced Central Florida employment in 2018. With a strong economy and low unemployment, Central Florida saw greater opportunities for job seekers. Here are some of the key...
Job Hunting for the Seasoned Worker
Job hunting can be challenging—updating and tweaking resumes, navigating online job search engines, and, of course, preparing for interviews. But for older workers, a job search may be even more taxing due to potential age discrimination and the ever-so-frustrating...
Overcoming Overqualified
At some point in your career, there may be a position you want that an employer believes you’re overqualified for. While some might say that’s a compliment because it shows that you have solid work experience, it may feel like nails on a chalkboard because...