The Top Jobs For 2021 College Graduates in Florida

The Top Jobs For 2021 College Graduates in Florida

Sixteen years of school, and you’re finally ready to start your adult life. You know that “real world” people have talked about all this time? It’s finally here. You’ve graduated from college, and now you’re looking for a job in Florida. About...
The Importance of Showcasing Bilingual Skills On Your Resume

The Importance of Showcasing Bilingual Skills On Your Resume

Language skills can make you an in-demand job candidate. Whether you learned a new tongue in school or picked it up naturally at home, you can leverage that ability to increase your earning potential (by 5% to 20%, according to the statistics). That’s why...

Should you wait to accept a job offer?

How long should you wait before accepting a job offer? About a millisecond if it’s your dream job. But what if it’s not? We all know that the stars do not always align perfectly. Sometimes you need time to think about an offer. Maybe you interviewed...
The Challenge with Paying Less than $16/hour in 2021

The Challenge with Paying Less than $16/hour in 2021

If you have attempted to hire someone in Central Florida in the past six months, you are a brave soul. Many a manager have sat at their home office, dining room table, kids’ bedroom desk, or wherever they have been working, and stared at resumes while their phone...
Why use a recruiting firm?

Why use a recruiting firm?

Employers are often surprised at how much time it can take to find the right employee. There are job descriptions to write, resumes to review, schedules to arrange, interviews to conduct, and salaries to negotiate. The process can take hours, usually spread over many...