Halloween is coming. Time to delve into our deepest fears and most chilling nightmares. With that in mind, let’s look at the scariest thing of all: a job interview. But don’t let an upcoming meeting with a potential employer send you hiding under the bed....
Everyone hates to be ghosted. Yet, we’ve all done it at some point. It’s rude, yes. But sometimes we can’t think of a better way to end a relationship that we just wish was over. Still, in a professional setting, it can have long-lasting...
Social media can provide an excellent tool for achieving your career goals. After all, there’s a reason why LinkedIn has more than 774 million users. However, social media can also have the opposite impact. Used incorrectly, your online posts can hold you back...
Looking for a new job in Florida? You’ll have plenty of positions to choose from. But you’ll still have to distinguish yourself from the competition if you want to land the best positions. That means figuring out how to present yourself as an exceptional...
Employers don’t get much information about job candidates when they make a hiring decision. They’ll take any data they can find. That’s what makes references so important. Your former employer can confirm pertinent resume information and give an idea...
Job interviews can be lonely endeavors. You sit alone on one side of a table (or solo in front of your computer) while a panel of strangers quizzes you on your professional history. Who wouldn’t want a friend around when the “what’s your biggest...