Starting a career is difficult. You want to chase positions that you have a chance of landing. At the same time, this entry-level gig also needs to provide advancement opportunities and a possibility to learn. You can get that as an administrative assistant. An...
You took a contract assignment as a way to land a permanent position. Now, you’re patiently waiting for your boss to notice how important you’ve become to the company. Well, patience isn’t always enough. You have to prove to your boss how invaluable...
Sixteen years of school, and you’re finally ready to start your adult life. You know that “real world” people have talked about all this time? It’s finally here. You’ve graduated from college, and now you’re looking for a job in Florida. About...
Finding a dream job isn’t just about the job. It’s also about finding the right company. You might find a perfect outlet for your skills and background. But if you don’t end up at a high-quality company, you might regret taking the position. Ideally,...
As a customer service professional, you have a crucial job. You provide the link between your employer and the outside world. The way you treat people influences how the company’s brand is perceived. That role becomes extremely difficult when you run into an...
Language skills can make you an in-demand job candidate. Whether you learned a new tongue in school or picked it up naturally at home, you can leverage that ability to increase your earning potential (by 5% to 20%, according to the statistics). That’s why...