The Importance of Showcasing Bilingual Skills On Your Resume

The Importance of Showcasing Bilingual Skills On Your Resume

Language skills can make you an in-demand job candidate. Whether you learned a new tongue in school or picked it up naturally at home, you can leverage that ability to increase your earning potential (by 5% to 20%, according to the statistics). That’s why...

Should you wait to accept a job offer?

How long should you wait before accepting a job offer? About a millisecond if it’s your dream job. But what if it’s not? We all know that the stars do not always align perfectly. Sometimes you need time to think about an offer. Maybe you interviewed...
Talking Turkey: How to Negotiate for a New Position

Talking Turkey: How to Negotiate for a New Position

Now that you’re finishing up your Thanksgiving leftovers, it’s time to think about your next career move. Many people find new jobs during the holiday season because companies are preparing for the new year. Part of landing a job that will make you happy...