Great interview preparation advice is great interview preparation advice, whether it comes from an expert in the field or, as in the case in this video below, a team of YouTube puppets. In this video, Mario and Fafa the Groundhog from the YouTube channel Glove and...
Human Resources are vital to an organization’s success. Effective management of human resources is necessary for all organizations in order to ensure that the right people are doing the right type of job in the organization. Since organizations are giving more...
Though essential to a well-running office, the receptionist position’s importance often gets overlooked. However, a quality, well-trained receptionist is key: he or she shapes a business’s image, creates efficiency, and serves as the public face of the staff. Hiring...
Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to attract top talent, again and again? Have you ever wondered why your organization may have high turnover? Aside from the position and salary, there is something else at play that is a powerful force in attracting top...
I was just a few months away from my 9 year anniversary at my previous job when the company I worked for pulled the plug. “It’s nothing you’ve done, we’ve just decided to re-evaluate our business model” is what they told us. You may have been there. You may be there...