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The Modern Office and Its Impact on HR Roles
One of the most significant changes in human resources jobs in Florida has been the increased emphasis on technology. HR professionals are now responsible for managing various HR-related software applications and using social media and other digital tools to communicate with employees and recruit new talent.
How to Transition from Entry-Level to Mid-Level in Marketing Roles
The marketing field is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging for entry-level professionals to keep up with changes and stay on a fast-track to advance their careers. The good news is that by following a few key steps, you can set yourself up for success and quickly progress to mid-level marketing roles.
Salary Snapshot – December 2023
Florida Salaries: December 2023 Customer Service Position Salary Hourly Business type Customer Service $45,760 $22.00 Insurance Customer Service Holiday Helper $41,600 $20.00 Professional Services Customer Care Representative $39,520 $19.00 Healthcare Call Center...