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Finding the Remote Job That’s Best for You
The pandemic changed expectations about the job market. Prior to COVID, remote working was a relatively rare treat. Now, most companies have developed some experience with the trend. If you prefer virtual operations, your choices have never been so open. However,...
Working Remotely? A Guide to Proper Attire
What's the proper attire for your remote job? Pajama bottoms and ratty t-shirt, right? Sometimes. But there are other times when you have to think a little harder about what to wear. The rise of remote work has put many long-standing office conventions in question. In...
How To Effectively Deal With Toxic Work Situations
Most people dislike their jobs from time to time. Usually, these complaints are temporary and relatively minor. However, that's not always the case. In extreme situations, you might find yourself in a toxic workplace, an environment that can threaten both your...