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How to Rebrand Yourself For Your Job Interview
Ever search for yourself online? If so, don't feel ashamed. It's not necessarily a sign of an overdeveloped ego. Instead, it might be a healthy trait in a world where personal branding has become an important aspect of career advancement. One study found that around...
Why Working with a LOCAL Staffing Firm Can Work Better Than a National Firm
Giant companies dominate most fields. Apple. Amazon. Google. However, the staffing industry retains a thriving local dimension. This comes about because working with a local provider can offer significant upsides for job seekers compared to the national alternatives....
Interview Over? What You Should (Appropriately) Do From Here
One study suggests that about a third of hiring managers make a decision about a candidate within the first 90 seconds of a job interview. In these cases, there's not much you can do once the conversation is over. However, that's not the typical scenario. In the other...