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Offered the job? Here’s how to properly respond to a job offer by email
Offered The Job? Here’s How to Properly Respond to a Job Offer By Email Time to celebrate! Your long road of applications, resume submissions, and interviews have finally led to a job offer by email. However, your role as a candidate isn’t over yet. You still have one...
The Pros & Cons of a Contract Accounting or Finance Position
The pandemic and its aftermath have emphasized flexibility in the job market. More workers have turned to contract positions to drive their professional development. Does this strategy make sense to build your accounting or finance career? Even before COVID shook up...
Freshen Up Your Resume This Spring with These 8 Tips
Your resume acts as your first introduction to any job opportunity. As such, it can make or break your chances of landing your dream position. Given its importance, do you think it’s time to give your resume a spring cleaning? Even if you're happy in your current job,...