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4 tips to decline an interview without burning bridges
4 Tips to Decline an Interview Without Burning Bridges Searching for a job can sometimes put you in awkward social situations. For example, sometimes you receive an invitation to an interview but aren’t really interested in pursuing the opportunity. In this case, you...
Is Your Current Job Offering You The Right Benefits?
Rating jobs by their pay rates is relatively easy. More money equals a better offer. Things get more complicated when you consider benefits. With those, it's not a matter of sheer amount. You have to consider the total combination of offerings. It can be difficult to...
How to Protect Your Personal Data When Applying to Jobs
The digital economy has made life more convenient. And more dangerous. It's never been easier to apply for a job. But, at the same time, it's never been simpler for online criminals to use fake job postings to gather information and steal your identity when you are...