when is a good time that works for you?
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End Of Year Review? The Right Way to Ask For a Promotion
Finally, the end of the year is almost here. You know what that means? Taking stock of an eventful 2021 and getting ready for 2022. This is the time for New Year's resolutions after all. This time of year also means performance reviews at many companies. This is your...
How to Know When You Should Accept a Job Offer and Leave Your Current Position
The post-pandemic economy promises new opportunities to many workers. Should you take advantage? Should you ditch your comfortable job for the chance at something better? It's a big decision that requires you to consider a lot of factors before accepting that other...
5 Ways to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn
5 Ways to Reach Out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn LinkedIn offers an excellent place for job seekers to reach out to a recruiter. However, you have to know the right techniques and target the right recruiter on LinkedIn. Otherwise, you’re likely to get lost in the...