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Job Thankfulness and Overall Happiness: 8 Reasons to Be Thankful
Thanksgiving represents a time for expressing gratitude. But when you list your blessings, do you remember to name your job? Doing so can make you a happier, more engaged employee, which, in turn, can provide fuel for further career development. A grateful mindset can...
Job Searching During the Holiday Season? 4 Tips To Find Work Fast
The holidays are generally identified as the worst time of the year to search for a new position. Does that mean you should put your job search into hibernation? Absolutely not. Still, take the time of year into account. The holidays present unique challenges to...
4 Reasons Companies Value Commitment From Candidates and How to Demonstrate it
Yes, you go to work to get a paycheck. But you shouldn't become a paycheck player. Employers want to see a deeper commitment to the organization and to its longer-term goals. But how can you show that dedication as a job candidate? After all, you haven't even been...