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Salary Snapshot
October 2024Salary Snapshot Staying competitive in the job market requires staying on top of salary trends—and we’ve got you covered. As the end of the year approaches, companies are preparing for the busy holiday season, and hiring ramp-ups are already underway....
Customer expectations in 2024: Making human connections with help from AI
In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead in business means understanding and adapting to customer expectations. As we navigate through 2024, it’s clear that customers are looking for more than just products or services; they seek meaningful human connections, even in digital spaces.
Top Trends Shaping the Call Center Industry in 2024
Call centers are not just about answering phones anymore. They are about creating a smooth ride for customers no matter how they reach you. This means talking to them through their preferred channels, including phone, email, chat, or social media, and making each experience special.