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Hiring Trends: Summer 2022
The warmer months of 2022 arrived with growing acceptance that COVID is likely here to stay, and an increasing desire to find ways to live with it as part of daily life. For companies, this is a welcome shift, as it’s driving more employees to consider venturing back to the office, at least a few days a week. At the same time, it’s becoming clear that the pandemic has changed the workplace they’re returning to in meaningful ways.
Soft Skills That Can Make You Stand Out at Your Next Interview or Job
You're not getting that dream job unless you have the right hard skills and the specific qualifications needed for the role. However, there's more to the story. You're also probably not landing that position without a strong collection of soft skills as well. The term...
Cover Letters: What to Strive For (And Avoid) When Building One
Cover letters are sometimes seen as an add-on. Job seekers tend to treat them like the potentially skippable sidekick to a resume, an annoying chore rather than a crucial component of the process. However, cover letters can become a key ingredient to job-search...