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Why Making a To-Do List Can Make a Difference in Your Productivity
To-do lists seem like a simple tool. In fact, they are so fundamental, that they hardly seem like a tool at all -- almost too basic for a hectic schedule in the modern economy. However, this elementary organizational process can make a huge difference in your...
New Kid in Town? Some Boxes to Check When Starting Your Next Job
First days are always hard. From kindergarten to mid-career job changes, beginning something new often comes with anxiety and uncertainty. However, you can take steps to ease the transition by learning the key boxes to check when you start a new endeavor. Don't feel...
Anything for Us? 5 Good Questions to Make Sure to Ask at The End of an Interview
Job interviews pass extremely quickly. Sometimes, you get as little as a half hour to make your case. Even at the typical length of a 45-60 minutes, you'll have just enough time to get over your nerves before it's time to start wrapping up. That doesn't give you a lot...