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If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to us at 813-449-4800.

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Beware of Job Offer Scams and Employment Fraud!

Beware of Job Offer Scams and Employment Fraud!

Job seekers, if you’ve worked with Hiregy in the past, you know we strive to be Florida’s go-to resource for connecting top employers with exceptional talent. We have our fingers on the pulse of hiring across the state, which is why we’re delving into a topic that’s been causing concern for people looking for new positions: an alarming increase in employment scams and job fraud.

How to Choose an Employment Agency in Florida

How to Choose an Employment Agency in Florida

Finding the right job can be daunting. Fortunately, Florida staffing agencies can help job seekers navigate the process and come out ahead. Florida employment agencies connect job seekers with potential employers and offer a range of services to help them secure their dream job. If you’re considering using job placement agencies in Florida, here’s what you need to know about how to choose the right one.