How does a musician put on a stellar show? Practice, of course. How does an actor prepare for their role? Yep, still practice. How should you prepare for a job interview? Well, you can probably guess the answer by now. Think of a job interview as a kind of...
Finding a dream job isn’t just about the job. It’s also about finding the right company. You might find a perfect outlet for your skills and background. But if you don’t end up at a high-quality company, you might regret taking the position. Ideally,...
What’s your greatest weakness? This is one of the hardest interview questions to answer. It’s a great idea to know what you’re going to say when a prospective employer tosses this query your way. Here’s some advice on how to knock it out of the...
Most business owners know that developing an effective internal interview process can help them find great job candidates; they may be less aware that strong recruiting practices can save time and money. Defined processes for vetting candidates help companies minimize...
Most people know how to prepare for a job interview – they ready themselves to talk about their strengths, weaknesses, former job responsibilities and hopes for the future. But candidates should also be prepared to answer behavioral interview questions. Behavioral...