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news and insights
In the meantime, check out our latest blog articles tailored for both job seekers and employers.
Discover tips for job hunting, career advancement, hiring best practices, and more.
2018 Employment Review
As 2019 gets underway, it’s a good time to recap some of the things that influenced Central Florida employment in 2018. With a strong economy and low unemployment, Central Florida saw greater opportunities for job seekers. Here are some of the key...
Job Hunting for the Seasoned Worker
Job hunting can be challenging—updating and tweaking resumes, navigating online job search engines, and, of course, preparing for interviews. But for older workers, a job search may be even more taxing due to potential age discrimination and the ever-so-frustrating...
Overcoming Overqualified
At some point in your career, there may be a position you want that an employer believes you’re overqualified for. While some might say that’s a compliment because it shows that you have solid work experience, it may feel like nails on a chalkboard because...